Ancient Hindu society before the influences of western Faiths, Puritanism, and Colonizations was very free-thinking and progressive. The western world has managed to dumb down ancient texts such as the Kama Sutra to just a “sex position manual”, brand Eastern religions/faiths as vulgar/obscene, and this needs to stop. I had the honor of presenting at the Museum of Sex in NYC about Hinduism, Love, and the Kama Sutra.
Read MoreAll FAITHS (symbols of every major faith). ONE WORLD. WE Together stand against racism!
Read MoreRamadan concludes with morning Eid Prayers outside in Washington Square Park which is so special and absolute magic. Though I’m the Hindu Chaplain for NYU, my brothers have always included me in Eid prayers, I have celebrated with the Islamic Center any times.
Read MoreHere is my Ramadan Artwork/Design! Written in 5 Different languages : Arabic, Persian, Sanskrit (language of my faith Hinduism), Tamil (language I speak with my family) & Tamazight (language of the Amazigh people of North Africa)
Read MoreRama in Sanskrit means "one who gives joy to others/divinely blissful / the noble one"
Karim in Arabic means "generous/noble, one of the 99 names of Allah"