I adore that Indian Classical Music is a form of worship, the interconnectedness between Hinduism and Islam, the beautiful melodies and various ragas, has to power to transform and unite, but most of all it’s the way to reach the divine, who is LOVE!
Read MoreA mantram can be repetitive (but doesn’t have to be) and is used for meditation, prayer, and maybe even to set your intentions/goals. For me, Alam Khan’s album Mantram is a true spiritual/religious experience. I LOVE every single track and I am in tears by the end of it, but happy tears because I’ve seen my beloved Lord. It reminds us that no matter how much crap and emotional turmoil we’ve all gone through in life, HOPE & LOVE is what wins at the end.
Read MoreAs a lifelong practicing Hindu who adheres to the principle of Ahimsa, which means “nonviolence” meaning not to harm any living creature with your words, thoughts, or physically.
it boggles my mind that the 3 great Abrahamic faiths of the world Christianity, Judaism, and Islam lived in relative peace and unity, and gave the world beautiful art, architecture, and an interconnected culture before someone drank CUCKOO juice, and decided to fill their minds/hearts/brains/souls with hatred and expelled Jews and Muslims, which led to the bloody Spanish inquisition of 1492!
These are my reflections of the interconnectedness, unity, inspiration, and beauty, I saw through religion, faith, culture, and art.
Read MoreSince when did the word “RELIGION” or “RELIGIOUS” start to freak people out? It boggles my mind.
If a Muslim says they are religious they are immediately branded as a “Terrorist”, If a Christian says they are religious they are immediately branded as a “Bible-thumping, right-wing, Trump lover”
If a Hindu says they are religious they are immediately branded as a “Cow piss drinking, right-wing, Modi lover”
Becoming Chaplain was the first time I ever spoke up about “Being Hindu”. It was never an identifying mark for me, not something I went around proclaiming, I’ve always lived my faith, I just WAS, Gym, Puja, Design, every single day!
Read MoreA Hindu Deity whose pilgrimage & fast is taken by 40 to 50 million people of all faiths/backgrounds yearly! A deity who unifies Hindus, Muslims, Christians, etc., people of all backgrounds/faiths. Showing that the mighty divine is SUPREME and belongs to ALL creation regardless of class, background, faith, gender, etc. The divine deity who symbolizes equal rights for the LGBTQI+ communities.
Read MoreRead MoreI serve as the Hindu Chaplain/Spiritual Advisor of NYU and Columbia Universities. I often think to myself what kind of world are we leaving for the next generation?
I believe in being the change, building a world of inclusivity, peace, unity, love, and compassion. Show, share, include folks of all faiths/ backgrounds in your holidays, celebrate together (it’s not that difficult to be kind and compassionate).
Last year during Navarathri, a young Shia Muslim girl (student at NYU) wanted to learn about Hinduism and to visit a Hindu Temple (there are no Hindu Temples in Manhattan, had to rent a car (lysol it first drive to Queens, hello covid! ).
The world says “to define my customer base” Well I find that really difficult for me! My customers that day included Japanese Grandmas, Latino Boys, Young African American Gay Men, Hipsters, Hindu folks, Muslim folks, Arab families, Turkish families, and many more! My work appeals to a wide range of races, nationalities, ages, demographics, etc. I believe that art and design are the way to bring together diverse communities.
Read MoreEVERYBODY LOVES GANESHA! I have many Muslim/non Hindu friends who love Ganesha. Musicians who travel with a small statue, Arabs girls who find him adorable, Yoga practitioners etc. His image is found across the world (Cambodia, Thailand, Burma, Japan, Vietnam, Malaysia, archeological evidence even shows ancient South America!) 🌏
His image is on Indonesian currency (a predominately Muslim nation) ☪️
Read MoreRamadan concludes with morning Eid Prayers outside in Washington Square Park which is so special and absolute magic. Though I’m the Hindu Chaplain for NYU, my brothers have always included me in Eid prayers, I have celebrated with the Islamic Center any times.
Read MoreAll Indian Classical Music and Dance traditions are rooted in worship and are ways to connect to the divine. The father of Hindustani music was a Muslim, the 13th C Sufi poet/musician/scholar Amir Khusrow. The father of Carnatic music was a Hindu, the 16th C saint/poet Purandara Dasa.
Read MoreHindus & Muslims